Thursday, October 13, 2011

Ter-RUFF-ic Snackables

Everyone loves a good snack, whether it's a salty potato chip or a rich, chocolate brownie.  And my dogs are no exception.  I consider Mookie the ultimate omnivore because he will eat anything and everything that is not tied down.  Literally.  Tokki, on the other hand, seems to have a more refined palate and doesn't take to new foods easily.  Some treats are harder for her to accept than others.  So, anything new must always pass the "Tokki Test" if it's going to become a regular item in the treat jar.  Here are some of my favorites:

1) Crumps Naturals Sweet Potato Chips:  These are simply what they say: sweet potatoes.  According to the package, they are high in fiber, packed with beta carotene (for healthy peepers), hypoallergenic (for dogs allergic to wheat and corn) and ha!  They don't stain the carpets!  This is actually important because the pups tend to run to their special area on the rug when they get their treats.

2) Bite O' Blue: These are just the cutest things ever.  The adorable packaging alone makes me feel like I just went out and picked fresh blueberries from the field.  The blueberries are grown in Dedham, Maine at the Peaked Mountain Farm and are naturally sustainable.  They have two varieties.  Tokki prefers the chewy recipe (like a gummy bear) and Mookie, well, he likes both, but he gets the crunchy variety, so they don't have to share.  The label even says that you can grow a blueberry plant with a Bo'B treat.  I totally have to try that...

3) Garden Bites: Tokki really has a vegetarian streak in her.  One sniff and she gobbled up these cute little flower chews.  Each chew contains carrots, alfalfa, beets, kelp, peas, spinach, apple, broccoli and zucchini.  It's a mini salad in every bite!

4) Before I knew better, I would give Flossies (beef tendon) and bully sticks (I think most people know what these are so I'll forgo the definition) to Mookie for this "keep-him-occupied-while-I-leave-for-a-few-hours" treat.  But thankfully my doggie daycare suggested deer antlers by Buckarooz.  Deer antlers are actually humane products because they naturally die off and regenerate annually so there is no harm to the animal.  The marrow of the antler is chock-ful of vitamins and calcium and lasts longer than bully sticks that it is cost-efficient.  Plus, it's not all slimy and gross when you pick it up.  The Buckarooz brand also comes with a Happy Deer Guarantee: No deer were harmed, bullied or even teased during the making of this treat!!

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